Weight Management

Our Dietitians are certified in weight management and can help you customize a diet based on your taste and cultural preference.

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Whether you want to lose a few pounds to fit better in your clothes or lose several pounds out of medical necessity, Global Health and Nutrition Consults can help. Our Dietitians are certified in weight management and can help you customize a diet based on your taste and cultural preference.  Or, they can help guide you through the maze of commercially available products.

If you are overweight or obese you are at an increased risk for many diseases including diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Losing just a few pounds can make big difference. For instance, losing just 5-10 percent of your body weight can decrease your risk of developing heart disease by as much as 50 percent.

Our dietitians will teach you to modify your eating habits so that you will lose weight safely and maintain your weight loss.

Be wary of diets that promise huge weight loss in a short period of time. At best these can be misguided. At worst, they can be dangerous. Many of these diets severely restrict the number of calories you eat in a day. Calories are the units used to measure the amount of energy in food. A diet of less than 1000 calories a day will cause you to lose some fat, but you will also lose water and muscle. Since fat tissues require fewer calories than muscles, this will cause your body to use fewer calories to stay alive. You want your body to use more calories not less.

In addition, when people get off these diets, they tend to gain even more weight with a higher percentage being fat. That is because after a period of starvation or fasting the body tries to protect itself by storing calories in the most efficient form, which for us is fat. This higher percentage fat can lead to even more health problems.

At Global Health and Nutrition Consults, our approach is to teach you changes called lifestyle modifications that you can live with for the rest of your life. Small changes over long period of time can add up to significant weight loss. Sure, there are people who for medical reasons might require a more rapid weight loss. We can work with these people to do so as safely as possible then transition to a sustainable maintenance program.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in every three adult and one in every 3 children in the United States is obese. A major cause of this problem is poor diet. Through our weight management program for children and adults, Global Health and Nutrition Consults offers you and your family a way of taking control of your weight. 

2008 Eastview Parkway, Suite 410
Conyers, GA 30013

Phone: 678-616-1197
Fax: 678-616-1199